A swimming pool in the Midlands required some urgent ground improvement works as a result of a water leak through circulation pipes. The main pool was closed following a significant loss of water, due to fractured pipes.
Whilst repairs to the pipework were undertaken, investigatory works were also carried out around the pool hall and the junior pool. Investigations showed that the backfill beneath the circulation pipes was predominantly loose and had the potential to settle further, meaning the pipework could bow. The bowing could lead to further joints displacing in the pipework and additional water leaks.
Urgent works were required to improve the strength of the backfill beneath the pipework to prevent any movement that could lead to further leaks.
The swimming pool is owned by the local council and the site operator was required to find an immediate solution. Geobear was approached to assess the site and determine the feasibility of using geopolymer injections to improve the fill and prevent any movement.
Geobear Solution
Geobear uses an expansive material to strengthen backfill or soils. At this site, the alternative solution would require excavation or a form of grouting that would require months to achieve. As the pool had already been closed for a significant period there was pressure from the council to find a fast solution.
The method used by Geobear meant the fill around the pool could be strengthened within five days. Geobear uses an injection method to place its expansive material directly into the affected areas of backfill or soils. The process involves the injection of a two-component material, when the components combine it causes a reaction that results in a highly expansive geopolymer. The geopolymer migrates through the fill which fills voids and compacts the area. The result is an improved area of ground that mitigates settlement and can withstand higher loads.
This project required 120 individual injections of geopolymer material adjacent to the two pools. The water in the pools did not have to be drained, our injection points 500mm from the pool walls and two metres below the slab.
Geobear technicians drilled through the existing slab in order to place steel tubes, the geopolymer injections are made through the tubes which are then cut and the floor resealed. On this site it was discovered that the floor slab was constructed with reinforced concrete, which, due to extensive drilling, extended the programme by several days. The client arranged for mechanical boring of holes to speed up the drilling process and Geobear completed the works within 7 days.
The pool was haded back to the client, who could subsequently release it to the council for use by the general public.