The Meteorological Office Rainfall and Evaporation Calculation System (MORECS) is calculated from daily values of hours of sunshine, air temperature, vapour pressure, wind speed and rainfall, 2020 is ahead of 2003 and 2018 and on an upward trajectory.
The continued intensification of soil moisture deficits (SMDs) and river flow recessions into early April, coupled with current outlooks which favour drier spring conditions, would suggest that we could be heading towards another event year.
The dry summers of 2018 and 2019 saw a surge in subsidence claims with insurance companies. 2020 looks set to be pretty much the same.
Homes that are built on clay soils are particularly susceptible to subsidence. Check out our subsidence maps of the UK to find out if you live in a risk area.
Subsidence is not without warning signs too, a major sign can be diagonal type cracks in the walls, these can suddenly appear in plasterwork inside the building and brickwork on the outside.
In line with BRE guidelines, cracks related to subsidence will usually be thicker than fine hairline cracks, which may be caused by the natural movement of a structure, and tend to be wider at the top.
Another clear sign that there is a subsidence issue is when a floor drops. It is easy to spot, just take a look at the skirting around the floor. If you see gaps, cracks or uneven surfaces your property is likely affected.
The official start of summer is the 20th of June (MET OFFICE). It will be very different from previous years, with being unable to go away on holiday. If you have spotted the signs of subsidence, now is the perfect time to take action. Choosing to delay the repair could create more damage to your property.
The summer period is typically very busy for us and lead times are longer, so contact us as soon as you can and we can arrange an online site inspection via video call, or when restrictions are relaxed visit your property in person.
When it comes to the delivery, we will ensure that we isolate the treatment areas to protect you and our technicians. We will keep over two metres away and avoid any physical contact. Usually, our repairs are completed outside the building, so we will not need to access your property. If work needs to be completed internally we will discuss this with you.
Watch this short film that outlines the measures we have in place.
Please use this contact form or navigate to the contact us page and send us a message. We will respond to you within 24hrs.
Alternatively please call us on 0800 084 3503 and speak to our customer services team. Calling from Ireland please go to the contact us page.
We deliver projects on any sort of building or structure – from conservatory extension problems to 80,000m2 warehouses and road infrastructure. In most cases we will have the best solution, so get in touch today.