70% faster, 30% greener ground engineering
Geobear is an international ground engineering organisation that provides subsidence solutions and treatment for ground that is experiencing subsidence or instability. Whether under a home, commercial property or major infrastructure, Geobear’s fast, cost-effective and innovative solutions stabilises the ground, fill voids and lift slabs with barely any disruption. Having carried out over 200,000 successful projects in the UK and abroad, Geobear is a trusted partner for industry and homeowners alike.
Behind everything that Geobear does is the goal of driving the transition to socially responsible ground improvement. Our values of professionalism, customer first and zero harm mean that we are always striving to provide our customers with the most convenient, reliable and cost-effective solution whilst minimising any negative impacts to people or the environment.
We do this with our unique, proprietary Geobear solution. Our expert ground and structural engineers create small holes in the ground, through which an expanding geopolymer resin is injected. Once underground, the resin follows the path of least resistance and expands to fill all of the gaps and compact the soil, gradually lifting the ground above. This process is carefully monitored with lasers to ensure absolute precision. The whole process can be carried out in just a matter of hours.
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